PRODUCTS / furniture / solvent / sealer
LAB 2054 is a transparent sealer specifically formulated to varnish oak wood in order to maintain a natural aspect of the wood also after the application of acrylic or polyurethane products. Its application, then, avoids the tone changing of the varnished surface due to tannins presence in the wood.
Available colours: TRANSPARENT
Container: 25 Lt
IS 40 is a two component transparent sealer specifically formulated in order to maintain a natural colour of the wood also after the application of acrylic or polyurethane products. Its application, then, avoids the tone changing of the varnished surface due to tannins presence in the wood. It has a good filling power and it avoids yellowing with the passing of
Available colours: TRASPARENT
Catalisys: CATALYZED 100:10 WEIGHT WITH CI 25
Container: 25 Kg (Part A) / 2,5 Lt (Part B)